We are finding that there are entries in providers Smartlist searches that we can't seem to clear. The bad entries in question show descriptions relating to a Pap Smear but use ICD10 code Z01.419
Pap smear/gyn exam
Pap w/gyn exam
Our coders say that Z01.419 does NOT indicate a pap was done, so these descriptions are wrong for us.
I updated the MostUsedProblems table to show a Usage count of 0 for any entries with these descriptions. However, they keep showing up.
I found entries from them in the ProblemDescriptionMap table, so I'm thinking that is related. I as hoping someone could help me understand this table and if there is anything we can do to fix it.
I'm not sure if this is specific to us or if everyone has these entries as part of the monthly KB updates.
I'm sure there are other codes, this is just the one we seem to have stumbled upon.