On the new Basic 1.4 Workflow Patch, has anyone noticed that when you document Pedal Pulses on the MSK tab that it also updates Diabetes Management pulses as well and documents in text under Diabetes Management. This is very misleading for non diabetic patients when you review the chart.
My question is has anyone figure out a way to break this link or correct it?
Currently we have reverted back to the previous version.
Did you ever get a fix for this form? I currently have a ticket in with GE and am waiting on a call back. Thanks.
I don't have a copy of the DM Management, but I think you could edit the CCCQE-User-Edit-PE-SS-Adult-TFE.txt (and any other specialties you have) to change the PE-CCC. This line sets the PEDAL PULSE obs term that looks to be shared with the DM form. Change that second field "pedal pulse" to another obs term. I don't know if the DM form has a TFE to edit. If you wanted to change it, you could export the clinical kit, search for PEDAL PULSE, and edit the text file(s) where you find it to another obs terms and reload the kit:
fn ccc_Adult_PULSES_PE() {"Pulses^pedal pulse^diminished L femoral,diminished R femoral,diminished L popliteal,diminished R popliteal,diminished L posterior tibial,diminished R posterior tibial,diminished L dorsalis pedis,diminished R dorsalis pedis^absent L femoral,absent R femoral,absent L popliteal,absent R popliteal,absent L posterior tibial,absent R posterior tibial,absent L dorsalis pedis,absent R dorsalis pedis^pulses normal in all 4 extremities. ^yes"}
Should be a open SPR 68959
The workflow patch actually changed the form and not the text files.