This is my first time using the random # formula. rnd()
Anyone familiar with this? If so I am testing the random # at group level with appointments. When I put the random# at the group level for the patient, it's only returning one appointment for each patient instead of all appointments? How can I assign a random # for each patient, but show all appointments for the patient that was randomly selected?
Thank you!
I haven't used the rnd() function, but it sounds to me like a grouping issue anyway. Keep the patient in the group line, but put the appointment fields in the details section of the report. If you're exporting to Excel, just suppress the group line from printing and you're left with the randomly assigned patient's appointment history/details.
Yeah, that's exactly what I have done. In theory you would have thought this would be the best approach by putting the patient at the group level then appointment at detail level. But when I insert the rnd() function at the group level with the patient it's only returning one appointment per patient instead of ALL appointments per randomly assigned number per patient as I hoped for.