We are on EMR 9.8.11 SP6b
We can have multiple providers treating a single patient. In some cases it may be an Attending or Resident, in others it could be PCPs and specialists. We have had instances where a patient tells a provider that he/she is no longer taking a medication prescribed by another provider so the medication gets removed from the patient's med list. These removals can be seen on the Medications tab but not on the Update Medications Module.
It appears that the only option is to add the medication into the med list again.
Does anyone know of a way to reinstate a removed medication?
This option is available for problems but I do not see it for medications.
I would love to know the answer to this...my memory from product testing at CHUG is that this will be possible with 12.1 changes (for CPS...not sure of # for EMR). Does anyone else remember how this will work with the new HTML refill form?