We are a Family Practice and are about to start Allergy testing and Allergy Immunotherapy. I was wondering if anyone is doing this and had a process for keeping up with billing for the allergy immunotherapy.
For example: Some insurance carriers only allow you to bill 30 units every 30 days. We are needing to bill for a total of 160 units and need a way to keep up with when the next 30 units should be billed. All insurance companies are different also so need to be able to break it up by insurance company.
Is there a way to do this in Centricity?
I would recommend using case management. I can have a call with you next week if you want me to "demo" the feature in Centricity. Case allows you to decrement the count of what is billed at each patient's appointment. You can set limits by # of visits or dollar amounts and even authorized providers. Case is most commonly used for authorizations, workers comp or auto accidents.
That would be great. I would really appreciate it if you could show me how to do this. Is it possible to schedule something tomorrow 8/16?
HI Jessica,
I would be happy to spend about 30 minutes with you tomorrow to show you how it works. Shoot me an email and we can get something scheduled. [email protected]
In case anyone is following here is what we brainstormed:
Use Case Management to track the Authorized # of Units by Insurance Carrier. We built a charge (case charge set) to store the CPT code for ease of data entry. The case tracks the authorized units and decrements the count at each visit.
The tricky part is to time the days between billing. We thought about using Task Management queue with a visit owner to trigger the reminder to bill. We also discussed cloning the original visit and setting the next date. But that wouldn't be ideal with hard closing. I recommended using the follow up date field from Summit Software to tag the visit to bill the next ticket when due since the days between vary by insurance.
Just sharing with the group!