So what dates are other clinics entering for the "Release Pt Info" on the "Additional" tab in the Registration component? When we upgraded to the version that contained those HIPAA fields (PM '04 I believe), we were told that those dates are the dates the patient SIGNED the form. Now my VAR support is telling me, and the CPS Help menu is saying that the date field is the date it expires. I'm not sure if that date field changed over the years or there was a mis-understanding somewhere. So I'm curious what other clinics are entering in that field and how you determine when it expires.
We enter the date the patient signs that Release. Why would this signature expire? I have never heard of an expiration date for a Release of Pt. Info.
We were trained to use F12 to enter Today's Date as the date the patient signs the form. We just visited this issue but were told there's a setting that controls the expiration pop-up, which for us was set to 365 days. In one year then we would be alerted that it is expired. If our staff enters a year from the signature then we would not receive the expiration alert until 2 years.
If you don't mind telling me, where is that expiration pop setting?
Never mind, I found it. thank you
Thank-you both for confirming my suspicions - I think the CPS "Help" menu is contradicting itself 🙂
I agree with you. Sites were utilizing Help and contradicting our workflow. Support advised us that we could make it work whichever way our organization decided since there was a setting that controlled it.
We have been on CPS 12 for 6 years and I was responsible for much of our system set up. We have used the date the patient signed the release the as the date we entered into the additional tab fields.
I have always found that the "help" files can be confusing and contradicting. If you have any additional questions you need help with I am happy to share the workflows we have come to use.