Has anyone removed the ICD-9 codes from their lab orders report. We print lab orders and hand to our patients. It has both ICD-9 and ICD-10 codes on the form. The lab invariably puts the ICD-9 codes on their billing which gets denied. We then have to contact the lab to correct the billing.
I had a report in test but unfortunately our last update overwrote some of the crwrpts folder and lost it so I'll just redo quick and then can share it. We are on EMR and I'll be updating reports for service, test and referrals. I plan to show the ICD9 code only if there is no ICD10 code available. That way if you reprint a historical order that didn't have a proper match from 9 to 10, it will print something. I can email it to you when ready if you want.
Thanks I would appreciate it!
It looks like a simple change. I think the Crystal report you are referring to is called "tstorder.rpt"
If you open the report and expand the formula fields on the right hand side and double click on the "Diagnosis" formula you will see the code that makes up the formula.
Mine looks like this:
if icd9Code "" and icd10Code "" then
diag:=diag + " (" + icd9Code + ")" + " (ICD10-" + icd10Code + ")";
else if icd9Code = "" and icd10Code "" then
diag:=diag + " (ICD10-" + icd10Code + ")";
else if icd10Code = "" and icd9Code "" then
diag:=diag+ " (" + icd9Code + ")";
If you change the result of the first if statement to be the same as the second I think you will get what you are looking for:
if icd9Code "" and icd10Code "" then
diag:=diag + " (ICD10-" + icd10Code + ")";
else if icd9Code = "" and icd10Code "" then
diag:=diag + " (ICD10-" + icd10Code + ")";
else if icd10Code = "" and icd9Code "" then
diag:=diag+ " (" + icd9Code + ")";