Sorry if this is a re-post but I was unable to find anything pertaining to actually getting embedded HTML working in CPS 12.2.
Currently I am working with Version 12.3. After doing some research, for embedding HTML, all I am able to find is purchasing a seat from Clinical Forge at
Blackbird Solutions at and mdObject at both use:
- {show_html_form("//localserver/mdObject/mdObjectDemo/index.html","$mdObject Feature Demo Page")}
but has the issue of the HTML not being embedded, unlike Clinical Forge's implementation.
The goal would be to use mdObject's implementation but have it embedded like Clinical Forge. So the question I have is how clinical forge embeds the html in the .ckt file or is there another way of achieving this?
Um, would not the best solution be to use ClinicalForge? That's what we do.
Yeah, this isn't hard at all. Create a text file with the extension .ckt and here is what your structure should look like:
[HTMLEFS][1][HTML Form Name][Enterprise, FolderWithinEmr, Test][HTML Form Name][HTML form description] [//localserver/EncounterForms/pathToHTMLFile/HTMLForm.html][Arial]
Replace all HTML Form Names and make sure the path to the HTML file and the path within the EMR are updated. Then import into Centricity.
Thank you @mikeseale that worked out, only one minor adjustment. Above code Importing complained about data being to large, here was my fix for it.
[HTMLEFS][1][FORM NAME][Enterprise, FOLDER IN EMR, Test][FORM NAME; FORM DESCRIPTION][FORMNAME][//localserver/EncounterForms/pathToHTMLFile/HTMLForm.html][Arial]