We just updated to SP11 and noticed data is missing from our Patient Banner. Did anyone have any issue with this? We updated the banner but it's not wrapping and leaving tons of spaces so it's pushing the banner information down.
We noticed it too.. I had to go back in and rebuild it to the way we like it. Apparently when the forms were loaded it reset everything to defaults. I would recommend to use a custom banner or at least backup the settings.
I can confirm, we just put 12.0.11 in our Test environment Friday afternoon and I see a few fields missing in the banner compared to Live. The standard banner is the same, but not ours.
It also overwrote ours which I've not seen in any previous service packs. I had luckily backed up a copy from several months ago that I could import. Anyone that hasn't gone to SP11 yet, make sure to export that kit before the update and import after your update.
We upgraded to EMR SP11 this past weekend as well and encountered the same issue. I was able to use our backup copy to update the custom content back to our normal views.
I posted last week about our banner being overwritten during our upgrade with GE's banner. There is a lot of information in the SP11 posts so it is hard to see it all but you can copy your banner right back in and all will be fine.
Thanks everyone.. strange I haven't encountered this in past upgrades but now this happens. Good thing I had a backup copy I had exported.
Does anyone have a copy of this code for the document patient banner?
We lost the DOB field in a document patient banner view when we updated to CPS 12. So now when a provider wants to view the DOB of a patient that have to click away from the encounter document & back to the chart desktop.
I don't have a copy of the text code for this section but I know this is a feature our providers want to see back. Anyone have any guidance?