We are on CEMR 9.8, if there is anyone in chug land who has applied SP12 , we would greatly appreciate a response. Good or Bad. Thanks.
We installed SP12 on EMR 9.8 on June 11th. We have not encountered any new issues since the install.
I am interested in what others have experienced as well.
We are on EMR 9.8.11 and wondering if you've seen any improvements in performance (reduced crashing) in SP12?
We do think we have seen a reduction in the number of crashes and locked charts.
We didn't put the patches in SP11 because of the Dragon problems- so we put SP12 in after 3 weeks of testing.
We have it in production and besides a few issues that SP11 (We came from SP10) broke we are happy. Smooth upgrade for my group. Crashing down about 10-15%.
We applied SP 12 and we have only had issues with functionalities within certain encounters like double clicking not working and protected text. Other than that, we are still struggling with the unsigned clinical lists changes and trying to correct all that.