Good morning, Our HIE would like us to automatically send a completed office visit to them, similar tot he same way we send CCDA's via Qvera. Has anyone been able to do this and would be willing to share how they did? Thanks Peg
This is a fairly simple request. This can be done with either LLogic or Qvera and LLogic.
You can create an outbound documents interface from Go ->Setup -> Settings under LinkLogic -> Relationships create a new relationship.
Direction: Export
Type: Documents
Unique Name: Give it a name here
Description: Self Explanatory
Patient ID Set: You probably have one in your drop down which will work.
Then go to Linklogic -> Task Options and find your new outbound Documents interface.
The Transfer button will be where you put the files if it will be a file based interface. I am a little bit unclear as to how to setup a socket based interface but it seems there is a helpfile about it if you need to do that, I always dump to a file.
Click on Recurring Tasks and setup a task that runs regularly.
Click on Constraints and specify your document types as well as any filters you want for providers if applicable.
Check your confidentiality settings.
Restart DTS and your files should be flowing.
If you need to manipulate the files before they go to the HIE you would need an interface engine to do so.
If you need assistance setting this up please let me know. I will be happy to answer any questions you have. If you would like someone to set it up for you I would be happy to provide some after hours consulting form much less than it would normally cost to deploy an interface.
I just found the settings for Socket based connections. To set one up you need to go to Go->Setup->Settings and then Linklogic->Stations. Find your DTS/Linklogic station in the list and you should have a bunch more options than normal stations.
There should be a new button to create a socket based channel. For an outbound interface you would choose either "Create a Permanent connection" or "Create Connection per transfer". Ask your HIE about that setting if you are sending directly to them instead of an intermediate Interface engine.
The rest of the settings are going to be specific to how the other end is setup. Most likely you would leave everything set to defualt settings.
Once you have created the socket you can switch your file based interface to a socket based interface back in the Task Options "Transfer" button.