We upgraded from CPS 12.0.07 to 12.0.10 Friday. We are current with all KB installs. This weekend I noticed that several common diagnoses seem to be missing from the problem search. These are missing from the smart list search and the problem search button.
If anyone has ideas I would really appreciate the help. Clinic on Monday will be difficult without these common problems in the search.
Jack Collins
Not much help, but we upgraded our test system which is EMR 9.8 to SP10 and those problems are present in the smartlist and full search.
Are you sure you did the "special update" that was released in addition to the regular updates?
We did the special update 2 mos ago
We also did the july KB which was supposed to include the special update even if you didn't do the special update
Also did the August incremental update immediately after the sp 10
Very worried at present!
try posting on the special engage.gehealthcare.com ICD10 communities as well, might get somebody's attention there.
besides being emr and not cps, I have also not installed the August update.....
We upgraded from CPS12 SP9 to SP10 this weekend, and noticed that our system is also doing the same thing. I upgraded our test environment and it did not have this issue, but that server is also not up to date on the knowledgebase updates.
On the production server I did install the August Knowledgebase update.
Please post back to this forum also, if you find out what the issue is.
Pleas post if you get any information as well.
I've heard from our sys admin that you might have to reimport ICD10 codes into the billing module from Administration upon upgrades. Have you tried that?
Yes, I tried that as well but it didn't work. But it's also my understanding from GE though, that that is only for the codes in billing, and the EMR gets it's diagnosis search list from the Knowledgebase update.
If I search for these codes in billing, they are showing up there, but not in the EMR Problem search.
We tried reverting back and doing the upgrade again tonight without applying the new August Knowledgebase update, but that didn't work either.
We're reverting back again, for now, until we can figure out what's going on.
We imported ICD-10 codes and our custom lists function almost as previous
will track this solution through the morning clinic
We are seeing the same thing for CPS12 SP 10 in our test environment. We have not upgraded in production because of the problem search issues.
We also noticed if duplicate problems exists on a patients list and you go to the orders module and use the edit function it can end up editing the wrong problem. For instance, you select to edit abdominal pain and it will bring up a box to edit COPD. Huge problem with that functionality.
We also found the descriptions in SP10 to not be ICD-10 compliant. In the search you may find what you want, when you select it - the description becomes shortened. Like the user said above- it is correct in the PM billing side but not the chart side.
Anxiously awaiting SP 11.....
has anyone experiencing this issue opened an SR with GE support? I opened a ticket and referenced this post as "evidence" of other users experiencing the same issue, but the last response they sent, said they didn't see the other SR's.
We upgraded EMR 9.8 to SP10 and applied the advanced problem search patch but not the August KB update. Right now, I have an open SR with GE because any time we try to add a med or problem we get a shutdown error. We have only applied in test but we are dead in the water. Anyone else experience this?
Not sure if our issue is related, but here's our scenario and SP # should it be of any help to others:
A few diagnoses are missing the ICD9 code on the reference list. The ICD10 is visible and the ICD9 is too, prior to drilling down to the lowest level. This is where the ICD9 cell is blank. See below screenshots for details. SP # 1-726706561 is open for this, but we have yet to receive our initial communication from an assigned tech.
Screenshot 1 - Shows how our Custom Order List appears from Administration. Here I am trying to update the code to the ICD10 equivalent, but see there is no ICD9 listed.
Screenshot 2 - Shows the code mappings in our system for the ICD10 code and its ICD9 code associations (these were already in place [GE]).
Screenshot 3 - Reference list results when searching for "foreign body ear", shows that 931 is in the system to an extent.
It looks like DVI1501's suggestion may work in certain scenerios. In one of our CPS environments the ICD10 Dx codes had already been Loaded in Administration prior to the upgrade, so in this environment some codes were showing up, but not all codes. Since the codes don't show up in Administration for you to reload, GE ended up running a SQL script to removed all the ICD10 codes from the database (I think it was the Diagnosis Table). After doing this, following the SP10 upgrade, I reimported the most recent ICD_CPT file in server setup, Installed the most recent KB, then reloaded all the ICD codes in Administration. (Please note the Load process took hours to complete for us. We have a virtual environment and create a snapshot before performing our upgrade, so this does slow things down some, but just be aware this may take a while)
In the environement where we did not have the codes loaded prior to the SP10 install, we performed the same process above, without having the run the SQL script to remove the ICD10 Codes.
The tech we were working with said Loading the codes in Admin is supposed to only affect the Billing side of CPS and shouldn't have an affect on the Chart side, and the Chart side should be getting it's ICD codes from the KB update, but this doesn't seem to be the case in this update.
SR to reference is 1-727492985 .
Hope this helps.