Lately, it seems like it is taking 6-15 seconds for the EMR to print out an Order requisition. It seems like its the system gathering the data that is taking so long and not the actual print. Dos anyone have experience with this - can give me any ideas on what to troubleshoot? For example, is having an abundance of "open orders" something that will slow down the printing? Could it be our network or a setting for printing? Could it be the requisition report itself?
Thank you for any advice. Peg
Does everything that print slow? Prescriptions, orders, Chart notes, etc?
Are your printers locally installed or on a print server. My first guess would be the print server needs restarted if they are all networked.
I thought I heard of a similar bug in 9.10/12.2 maybe and it was specific to orders but I didn't get more info on it at the time. Not sure which version you are on. Might be worth asking GE to see if they know. I can check into also. Thanks. Jen
We have always received complaints about the time it takes to print an order req. Especially if there are multiple orders on the req.
I agree with your first theory that the queries required to create the Crystal Report take time to run. We have tried to optimize the reports, but haven't achieved significant improvement. The report is pulling data from 20+ tables and in our case includes multiple sub reports.