Our IM providers are reporting extreme slowness when opening charts that contain Hypertension-CCC or Lipids-CCC forms (found on the IM HPI-CCC form). Sometimes the encounter will take up to 1 minute and 20 seconds to re-open.
GE has told us that another customer is also having this issue. Is there a workaround that anyone knows of? Does anyone know why exactly this is happening?
We are on CCC 8.3.8, Basic 1.0. This issue started right after Service Pack 10***
Did you ever get an answer to this? We are having the same issue. We are on CCC 9, Basic 1.3.
Michael, when did your slowness start? We have been experiencing ours for months, but yesterday our physicians actually said the problem became slower than ever. I am in contact with GE about this.
I think one of our tech put in a trouble ticket with GE as well. It started with SP11 and the latest CCC and CCC Basic forms installed about 3 weeks ago. One form take around 1 minute to load while the other takes up to 5 minutes to load. We have noticed that the larger the chart, the longer it takes for the forms to load. We have tried al the normal things like Archive obs, limit documents to 6 months, etc with little help.
GE said this was caused by ICD tables on the backend. I believe SP11 was rumored to fix it but if you are on SP11 and still see this, I'm not so sure..