Most of the locations in our area is part of a large organization that is on EPIC. Our Providers (Internal Medicine) have access to those records via their hospital access and have the ability to download the records and we can scan them in their charts here.
Our Providers want the ability to "auto" send our notes an labs to other Providers outside of our office. We use biscom/multi-doc for faxing but this is not automatic and is not very efficient at times.
Is there software available that can automate sending notes to outside offices? Are there other suggestions that other users have that will ease with workflows?
Thanks for any feedback!
We've been using MagicFax by Summit software for this and it works very well. Every night the program looks for signed documents matching our desired criteria and faxes them to primary and referring providers.
Surescripts has the Automated Clinical Messaging (ACM) that would be perfect for this. You can set up criteria in ACM and it will securely email any document you tell it to. If the provider doesn't have a direct address, it will look for a fax machine and fax. If no fax number, you can configure it to batch print.
If it pulls the information from the PM side, I think that will still be an issue for us since we are the primary PCP & referring MD. Since we are the PCP and refer to specialists, would they be able to pull that data elsewhere on the chart side?
Do you know if we could just have the option for sending to Providers and not the Patient portal feature?
We use Surescripts ACM and it works great. Give them a call.
We do use that information from the PM side. You'd have to ask them if they can use obs terms or however you designate the specialists.
ACM pulls from the EMR side. There are 3 modules you can purchase. The Provider module is the provider to provider communication. The patient module can deliver to the patient portal and the mass messaging module can email any patient messages.
HybridFax will automatically send any signed document to a set of recipients that the user defines. Contact me directly if you would like more information.
If you are only looking to send these messages to a single EPIC system, a custom interface would be an option if the other end will accept HL7 or CCDA data from you. You could have it run nightly and look for any new documents that have been signed and it could based on some criteria (maybe an observation term?) determine if it needs to be forwarded. I have written a few custom interfaces that create CCDAs as well as forward office notes to another group based on an observation value.