Hey all,
Does anyone know of or have a form that specifically stores LOT #'s for vaccines that you keep stock of? I understand that the new HTML Immunizations form does store the LOT numbers, but I am looking for something specific that only stores this information, and not much else.
The only other way I know of capturing this information aside from building my own custom form is to build a custom flowsheet, with all of the LOT obsterms for the items that we keep in stock and train the users to enter the numbers there. From that point, they can run a report based on the obsterm to find out which # was given.
Any ideas?
We have a few forms that do something similar but for the medication administration, not immunization. You can use MEL_ADD_CONTENT() to add the lot and expiration to each immunization, you can also remove them with MEL_REMOVE_CONTENT() and see what is there with MEL_GET_CONTENT(). The bummer is they still are not documented as far as I know. Here is an example (for medications). The first one adds the lot number, the second adds the expiration date. The cusL variable is the custom list Id, the drug_id is the medication id within that custom list, manu is a manufacturer ID for the medication that you want to tie the lot to. The variable 'lot' is a document variable that is passed in and is the actual lot number. str(counter) is a number, it is one greater than the current number of lot numbers associated to the medication (unless one has been removed), kind of like an order number. For lot numbers its important to keep it the same as the expiration date because it is the only thing that ties them together. If you have any questions feel free to shoot me an email.
MEL_ADD_CONTENT("GE.ADM.CUSL." + CusL + "." + Drug_ID + "." + manu + ".LOT^^" + lot + "^^^^" + str(counter) + "^^")
MEL_ADD_CONTENT("GE.ADM.CUSL." + CusL + "." + Drug_ID + "." + manu + ".LOT.EXP^^" + exp + "^^^^" + str(counter) + "^^")
Thank you! This gives me a starting point. I figured it would end up being one of two routes that I had to take to accomplish this, and it seems that a form would be the most beneficial way. Appreciate it.