Wondering if anyone happens to know the data symbol, or knows how to create a data symbol for patient balance? I searched inside symbol help with no luck. I am trying to create a letter within administration, thank you in advance.
Indeed, there doesn't appear to be a symbol that would provide access to the patient balance. The only workaround I can come up with is to manually record the balance in the patient registration note (PATIENT.REGNOTE) or an unused field that has a symbol. This sounds like a feature enhancement for the development team.
This probably won't help you, but here are all the OBS terms related to patient balance that are currently in the standard database. Using an OBS term would require someone to manually record the patient balance though using a document template which I'm guessing is not feasible.
200913 | PINS_DED_BAL | Primary Deductible Balance |
200915 | PINS_OOP_BAL | Primary Out of Pocket Balance |
200928 | PON_DED_BAL | Primary Out Network Deductible Balance |
200930 | PON_OOP_BAL | Primary Out OOP Balance |
200944 | SI_DED_BAL | Secondary Insurance Deductible Balance |
200946 | SI_OOP_BAL | Secondary Insurance Out of Pocket Balance |
200951 | SIO_DED_BAL | Secondary Insurance Out Network Deductible Balance |
200953 | SIO_OOP_BAL | Secondary Insurance Out Network OOP Balance |
The post from virtualHITman is onto a possible approach.
1) Automatic Crystal Report run daily (or weekly, depending on how you want to proceed) to patient by patient look at the last entry in OBS for the Patient Balance.
1a) If prior balance and/or current balance is non-zero, create an entry in the report
2) Take the Excel file output, and pair it with a process built with the Qvera engine to import the latest balance data back into the GE OBS table
3) Now, you can call to the OBS, and get the latest info (to the day, week, or whatever timing from step 1)
Essentially, you are just automating the process with the above.
If this is a report that you will want to generate with some regularity, then you could do one of the following:
- Create a custom Crystal Report and make it available within Centricity
- Create a custom report using a third-party tool like Microsoft Access and run the report outside of Centricity (I do this a lot when prototyping reports so that I can get the right query logic identified before building an integrated solution inside of Centricity)
- Use SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) to build your custom report and make it available as a web link within Centricity
Unfortunately, all of these ideas would require some knowledge of databases and reporting tools. I believe you can get what you need from the PatientProfile and PatientProfileAgg tables. The figure below is representative of the table relationships required to get at the data you need. This would be a very easy report to generate in Access if you have access to that software.
Here is the same relationship represented in SQL statement (you would need to add any other fields from the PatientProfile table needed).
SELECT dbo_PatientProfile.PatientId, dbo_PatientProfile.First, dbo_PatientProfile.Last, dbo_PatientProfileAgg.PatBalance
FROM dbo_PatientProfile INNER JOIN dbo_PatientProfileAgg ON dbo_PatientProfile.PatientProfileId = dbo_PatientProfileAgg.PatientProfileId;