Okay I have a questions, for those that are using chart in CPS 9.5 and entering orders and then having them transfer to billing when the orders are completed, have you found anyway that it is documenting in the orders table that the orders where sent to the visit in billing? Mainly want to see if one did not show up in billing but should have.
I have a script that shows if one has been imported from the chart and it actually imported into the chart. I need to be able to look at the orders that did not transfer and I cant find a spot where it documents if it should have been transferred and it was sent from the chart.
I know this sounds confusing but been beating my head on this for a few days.
I have been working on this for quite some time as well and haven't cracked it. Please let me know if you've had any luck. Would love to compare notes.
We would be interested in this type of report as well.