Does anyone have a copy of the test order mentioned in this article. It is no longer on the website and they are trying to find it. Or does anyone have a copy of a test order that will print the modifier?
I found an article that included a new test report. The link, however, does not work.URL Name
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The Crystal report for test orders (tstorder.rpt) in athenaPractice doesn't pull in modifiers. Modifiers are used primarily with AUC but can be used with other orders. This impacts athenaPractice versions 12.3, 12.3 and V19. It does not impact any versions of athenaFlow.
Follow these steps to reproduce the problem:
Go to the Chart module and open an encounter.
Place an order for a test, add a modifier, and sign the encounter.
Go to the Orders module, select the order, and verify that the order type is "test" and it contains a modifier.
Click "Print" to open the print dialogue and then click "Preview" to view the printout.
Notice that the modifier is not present on the printout.
Resolution: Replace the current test order report (tstorder.rpt) with the linked test order report that contains modifiers.
First, download & test the linked test order report on one workstation:
Navigate to the folder where crystal reports are stored on your workstation: C:\Program Files (x86)\Centricity Practice Solution\Client\crwrpts
Rename the existing tstorder.rpt file as a backup
Download the new tstorder.rpt file and save it in the crwrpts folder
Restart CPS and test the new report.
If someone has Crystal, they might compare svcorder.rpt to tstorder.rpt. I bet the only difference is the type of order and the fact that svcorder.rpt has modifiers on it. It may be you could edit the service order report to look for tests and save it as tstorder.rpt (after making a copy of the original of course).
Thanks. This issue is resolved.