Hello, I have a big ask 🙂 We are in the mix of switching from athenaFlow (cEMR) to athenaPractice (CPS combined product) and are looking for any tips and tricks to assist the end user from the clinical side. (i.e.: documents is now not on the main screen in the patient's chart, etc). Does anyone have any documentation or FAQs that has made this switch? Also, anyone who has made this jump, would you happen to have a provider at your site that would be willing to speak with one of our doctors here to share their experience?
Any help would be appreciated!
Amy Roberts
I feel your pain as this switch is not going to be easy but at least your staying with the same EMR vendor - Athena (formally GE). Personally I can tell you this transition will be difficult because your underlying data will be transitioning from an Oracle DB to SQL so make sure you hire a really good company that can migrate this information as its paramount to your success. I have personally been through a few of these EMR projects at multiple companies as a user in the past 5 years:
CPS (Combined product) -> EPIC
Multiple CPS instances (6) -> Single CPS instance
CPS (Combined product) -> EPIC
What I can offer is that this would be the time for you and your providers to really look at the content and workflows your currently using remove redundant forms, labs, etc. I also have some semi standardized "workflow" documents on how to use CPS but you would need to customize these to fit your needs. We are a Family Residency program that divided our work between job roles (Resident vs. Nurse) so the training material is broken out.
I'm always willing ti help out people in the CHUG community as I was a vendor before I ever became a user of the products so if you would like to discuss this in more depth just give me a call.
Jonothon Croppi-White