As an Orthopedic practice, the Truven handouts do not provide the information our providers want. Does anyone know of another certified vendor???? Any suggestions would be great.
I agree, the physical therapists were quite upset as well.
Yep we are in the same boat as you. 🙁
A knee replacement handout will not even come up with the diagnosis of knee arthritis 715.16 but it will come up with Medial Meniscus Tear 836.0. How does that make sense.
You all need to open cases wtih GE on the specific Truven Handouts that are missing. We were told it take 500 physicians to request a change to the handouts. There is VERY little in the way of any injury exercise handouts and nothing that works for Well Child visits.
What does that mean, "you need to open cases with GE"? If we need 500 physicians to get things done, can CHUG start petitions to GE, just like social action sites start petitions to congressional representatives?
CHUG can only do so much. They are focused on hot topics right now (top 10 I believe). If GE doesn't know the magnitude of their issues and what it does to it's customers how can they fix it? If we don't log our cases because we found out on CHUG is is a now a known issue that doesn't mean it will get fixed. I look at it as covering myself when/if someone comes back to me and says "why didn't we meet that" then I can tell them that our ortho department couldn't provide education to their patients in the way that GE captures it, same for our pediatric department. Or rather, GE didn't provide us with appropriate educational material for that patient population.
So we all need to get on and log a case about the Truven handouts not meeting our least not searching from the allergy/medication or problem. You can search it outside of CPS and there are some handouts that we were looking for, but to print it from there doesn't count for MU. GE needs to come up with a way to count educational handout printing a different my humble opinion.
I agree, it doesn't help our providers and they tell me the handouts that are in there don't help the patients.
I am waiting on a response from McKesson. They have the rights to The Sports Medicine Patient Advisor by Dr. Pierre Rouzier. I am hoping they are a certified vendor for patient education. I will keep everyone posted!!!!!!!!!!
Even the handouts for Internal Medicine and FP are lacking, I have logged a ticket with GE asking for better quality handouts.
We are a multispecialty clinic association. We have gone the route of ensuring providers can meet the patient needs first with acceptable clinical content then working on the MU measure. We have added ACOG FAQs for OB/Gyn to handouts and will likely do the same with AAP education for Pediatrics. If approved we will add ExitCare back for all other populations/specialties.
For the MU measure, we have been able to get the education from the Smoking and BMI in the Meaningful Use Checklist to count in CQR. We are hoping to do the same in other forms. I have asked the MIS team for steps for build in VFE if anyone is interested.
Has anyone heard anything in regard to a solution for Ortho clinics? I know some of you have been looking and I just wanted to follow up.
With the year anniversary of this topic approaching, I thought I would check to see how you all fared in 2015 for the patient education measure. We were able to successfully attest for all of our EP's so far with the alternative workflow solution we provided, but I am concerned about this year and full year reporting. If anyone is willing to share what you have done to meet this MU measure or any updates since your last posts, it would be greatly appreciated.