Does anyone have a report that shows a count of unsigned documents that have been sitting on a provider's desktop for >7 days?
We are trying to manage our provider's desktops.
We have several very specific time frames, 31 - 60 days, 61-90 days. Here is our 31-60 days version that I'm sure you could make a change to the time frame. We have one that is count only and another one that has patient detail.
I akso have a report if you are interested.
thanks so much!
that would be greatly appreciated! [email protected] Thanks!
What I find interesting about these reports that I have tried for in the past just look at the responsible provider and if it is unsigned. The problem is, it could have been routed to the nurse with the provider removed and still unsigned, therefore not on the providers desktop but still making the provider responsible. Every time I audit my own reports by going to a provider's desktop, I find that there are documents not there that I expected. Not sure if anyone else has noticed this.