Upgraded to over the weekend and during testing every thing checked out, no issues.
Monday.... all HTML forms broke and cannot connect. Re installed to Encounter forms folder on CPS and they work for a moment then are unusable.
Error 1: Unexpected mismatch found between Patient context and the active Document Patient ID
Error 2: Script error pops with every HTML form: Error reads: Error : 'angular' is undefined
Discussed with Phil at Clinical Forge who confirmed that we had the correct files in place. one of the HTML forms has a text component attached so we ran a meltrace to see if it would pick up any thing. trace found that the 'replacestr; wand not reading functions correctly.
Any ideas?
They changed the jboss deployment method.
go to: c$\Program Files\Centricity Practice Solution\jboss\standalone\deployments
And check out the readme for more information.
GE should be able to help you out with this.
-James Caswell
----Below are some steps, I am shooting from the hip, it's been 6 months since I was messing with this. If you aren't comfortable with doing this stuff, give GE a call.
Step 1)
c$\Program Files\Centricity Practice Solution\jboss\standalone\configuration\standalone.xml
Step 2)
deployment-scanner scan-interval="0" relative-to="jboss.server.base.dir"
path="deployments" auto-deploy-zipped="false" auto-deploy-exploded="false"
--- (I just do a search for deployment-scanner)
Step 3)
change scan-interval="5000"
auto-deploy-zipped = "false"
auto-deploy-exploded = "false"
Step 4)
c$\Program Files\Centricity Practice Solution\jboss\standalone\deployments
Step 5)
find a file called "centricityps.ear.deployed"
delete it
(Make sure your HTML files are in place before the next step)
Step 6)
create a new file called "centricityps.ear.dodeploy"
(You can use notepad, just make sure it doesn't end with .txt)
Step 7)
wait for the file to rename itself to "centricityps.ear.deployed"
Log in and see if this works.
On a side note, it might be easier to just place the files then stop/start your jboss...
This was a bit of an after-thought.
Thanks Jim,
It was actually something that I have never seen, and our VAR had never come across. In our JBOSS files the WHOLE mellib file was missing. It was there when we installed the product, the files were present. Thanks to Phil with Clinical Forge for noticing that we had a mellib problem our VAR was able to replace those files and everything this morning is functioning properly!
We had a few issues with this new Jboss web server location as well. It would seem that some 3rd party vendors are not aware of this change and one actually told me that my installation was corrupt and that I needed to contact GE. After informing them that this new location is a result of the new version of Jboss they created the old directory structure on my Jboss server to make their app work. I hope this is a temporary workaround but does anyone know if there is a down side to this? This work around seems to be working fine since we had to do that over a month ago.
Mike Zavolas
Tallahassee Neurological Clinic