Is there any quick fix to a user being locked out?
It requires a password reset. No other way at least on the EMR side of things.
Are you familiar with SQL? You can do it through the database. It's not very complicated. I don't have the command at my fingertips but, if I remember correctly, you can reset the usr.loginattempts field after resetting the password. GE support could confirm. 🙂
I wrote a custom app that resets users here. It queries oracle for all locked out users and then can selectively update the locked out flag. It can also change the users password to a specified value. (I had to change a users password to that value and query the database for the hash, then I just use that hash for password resets as I was unable to figure out how they generated their password hashes)
If it is something that you would like, send me an email rwilliams (at) imadoctors (dot) com and I can get you the code.