I was wondering if any clients out there use a SNOMED office visit code as their denominator in lieu of E&M CPT codes for CQR? In 2018 we used the old office visit SNOMED 308335008, however, per GE we now have to use a New PT Visit SNOMED 378940004 and Est Visit SNOMED 30346009 for most measures.
Our issue is- we currently have a workflow in place where all of our E&M CPT codes go to an "Admin Hold" Status and then (sometimes 3 days later or more) they are changed to a "Complete" Status after being approved by a Coder in our Organization.
Per the folks at GE, we can remain with our workflow "as-is" however, it might throw off our reporting in CQR because the E&M CPT code is not being placed into a "Complete" status until days later.
We are trying to see how other organizations, who have the same workflow as us are implementing this new change with these new office visit SNOMED codes.
Any information would be greatly appreciated.
Shannon Mastroianni
Rowan Medicine