VFE question: Can I do MEL_ADD_PROBLEM from a checkbox/list box not through action button> Run process? I would like to add a list box and attach the options to a diagnosis, as soon as they check the box the problem gets added to the problem list?
Thanks, Jude
What do you plan to use to populate the list box?
What set of options are you wanting to add?
Fo example I want to make a list of the most commonly used diagnoses for diabetes. Make it as a check list and when the provider chooses one I want it to go to the problem list.
I have a form I have cobbled together from multiple sources. The list box functionality you need is here. I have not completely updated the form for ICD 10
Good luck modifying it for your use.
ps I think I attached that correctly ??
This can be done, but you will need to use a watcher expression to monitor the status of the checkbox, and when it's checked, run a procedure to add the problem to the problem list.
I'm not 100% on how to do so with a listbox, but a check box:
if document.stopadd1 = "" and DOCUMENT.LAST_DX_PICKED = "Cervical Dysplasia ICD10-N87.9" then
MEL_ADD_PROBLEM("", "Cervical dysplasia", "ICD10-N87.9", str(._TODAYSDATE), "", "")
document.stopadd1 = "x" else "" endif}
I imagine a list box could be constructed from this just haven't ran into needing to so.
Hope this helps.