Is there a way to force a form to load in a particular place in an encounter? Several of my physicians have a specific ROS form they like (each different of course) and if the MA forgets to open the physicians specific encounter type, the physicians have their ROS saved to their favorites and can add it, however it loads at the end of the group of forms and not in the correct placement for ROS.
If you know the spot where you want to open the form in the visit every time -- for example in the 3rd position out of all the forms -- you can create a text component and add that to your favorites to call the form in a specific spot using ADD_FORM_COMP(). You do this instead of add the form to your favorites directly. For example put something like this in a text component:
{ADD_FORM_COMP("Enterprise\PPCP","Preventative Wellness Visit","9","OPEN")}
In this case this opens our Preventative Wellness form in the 9th position or at the very end of all forms if there are fewer than 8 forms present.
Within your encounter, if you click on the TEXT button you can click and drag your form from your favorites and drop it between the two forms for proper placement.
Thank you!!
I have a related question - has anyone encountered an issue with old versions of forms (with same name) getting pulled using the link from favorites even when the new version should have overwritten it? I heard a rumor that this was addressed in a relatively recent service pack, but it's hard to test and I'm trying to avoid looking through all the SP release notes. If you know the answer to this - please let me know. Thanks.