Does anyone have a report that would tell us how many visits per provider were opened and signed off on the same day? We are looking for some metrics for comparisons. This would be for CEMR.
Thank you Peg
Hi Peg,
I don't have this in a crystal report format, but am happy to share some starter code that can be run in SQL developer. Please note, you may need to add additional doctypes if you have created custom clinical document types that are considered "Office Visits". Please feel free to reach out to me directly at the email address below if you need assistance modifying this code to meet your requirements or using it to create a Crystal report.
Select Distinct u.firstname||' '|| u.lastname as Username, Count(d.sdid) as OVCount
from document d
Inner join usr u on d.usrID = u.pvid
Inner join doccontb dc on d.sdid = dc.sdid and to_char(d.DB_Create_date,'DD/MM/YYYY') = to_char(dc.CONTB_TIME,'DD/MM/YYYY')
where d.DB_CREATE_DATE > '31 JAN 2019'
and d.DB_CREATE_DATE < '28 FEB 2019'
and contb_action = 7 -- Initial & Final Signature
and d.doctype = 1 -- Office Visit
and XID = 100000000000000000000000000000000000
group by u.firstname, u.lastname,u.pvid
Beth Rose
[email protected]