we have had this issue for as long as I can remember (maybe emr 2005) where it takes a long time to login, was hoping 9.8 would fix, but I am finally asking what is going on cause it did not fix it. in the log on the workstation, I see this (note the password entered into the application is correct, so not sure what the invalid login message is about, but that appears to be causing the problem.
In the trace, it looks like the actually login takes very little time is the is the 3 ORA failures that take the time.
It doesn't occur if we just do a "soft" exit, only a full exit. And if we do a hard exit, there is some sort of timeout that must occur, because the login is immediate if we re-open within a certain time, but then after a while we get the long login cycle, 15 seconds according to below, where it locks the whole computer.
SID: 0 12/07/2014 12:06 PM
Error on Login: 1017 - ORA-01017: invalid username/password; logon denied
milliseconds to delay: 5000 Retrying 1 of 3 times.
WSID: 0 12/07/2014 12:06 PM
Error on Login: 1017 - ORA-01017: invalid username/password; logon denied
milliseconds to delay: 10000 Retrying 2 of 3 times.
WSID: 0 12/07/2014 12:06 PM
Error on Login: 1017 - ORA-01017: invalid username/password; logon denied
milliseconds to delay: 15000 Retrying 3 of 3 times.
WSID: 0 12/07/2014 12:06 PM
Unable To Logon
WSID: 0 12/07/2014 12:06 PM
SQL Error: MLStatus = 0x8015, Oracle Error = 1017
Oracle error buffer: ORA-01017: invalid username/password; logon denied
WSID: 0 12/07/2014 12:06 PM
ORA-01017: invalid username/password; logon denied
---- Last 14 SQL Trace lines - newest at end ----
SQL Exec: SELECT ML.login_utl.Get_Loginattempts('') FROM dual
SQL Open End row: -1
SQL Fetch: 1 rows on Table: Object: - Elapsed Time: 0 millisecond(s)
SQL Exec: SELECT ML.login_utl.Get_ProcInfo_Key() FROM dual
SQL Open End row: -1
SQL Fetch: 1 rows on Table: Object: - Elapsed Time: 0 millisecond(s)
ML.login_utl.MLCreateLogin('mm', 'ODA5NTQ2ZWIyYTA5MGZhODhmZTAxOGY4MmJmMjZjODZlODI4ODA3ZTFkMTdmNGUyODllOWM1N2VmMGUyNGY2MQ==', 10913, 'DOCTOR7 Clinic Workstation');
Affected: 1 row(s) - Elapsed Time: 78 millisecond(s)
SQL Open End row: -1
SQL Fetch: 1 rows on Table: Object: - Elapsed Time: 0 millisecond(s)
SQL Exec: SELECT ML.login_utl.Get_MLCreateLogin_DBPassword('mm', 'ODA5NTQ2ZWIyYTA5MGZhODhmZTAxOGY4MmJmMjZjODZlODI4ODA3ZTFkMTdmNGUyODllOWM1N2VmMGUyNGY2MQ==', 10913) FROM dual
SQL Open End row: -1
SQL Fetch: 1 rows on Table: Object: - Elapsed Time: 0 millisecond(s)
---- End Trace ----
Posted : December 7, 2014 7:16 am