Need to move our e prescribing server from a windows XP/SQL 2005 to a windows 2008/SQL 2008 machine before we can upgrade to 9.8
Have had no issues doing self installs and upgrades of the software before, but GE wont provide any guidance/support for the move to the new environment, despite windows XP/SQL 2005 being a supported environment, if they are going to end support for an environment I feel they should provide an end user upgrade path, but they won't.
Seems to me I might be able to install the existing version of the software and database on the windows 2008 server, backup and restore the database, then do the upgrade.
Has anyone done this? Does anyone see any "gotchas". I might do a quick search through the database for references to server names, etc.
Always trying to save a buck by not paying GE, to do something I can do myself.
I had GE do it on two different EMRs. Took about an hour each, a little bit more when quirks arose (ex: proxy server caused problems on the install, but not in actual running).
The reason I think they do the install has to do with re-registering the new console onto SureScripts' server, disconnecting the old and using the new. That went round&round a few times where they had to check it on both sides. Not sure you can replicate that.
thanks for the tip, sounds like it might an unexpected check to GE for something I feel should be covered under our maintenance/support agreement. As an IT consultant I deal with a lot of different vendors and most if not all, when stopping support for one supported platform and forcing you to move to another, would offer assistance in the form of consulting if you need it, but at the same time they will make sure there is a supported/documented process is so that you can do it on your own.
They don't say "hey you must pay us to do this, or prepare get your revenue cut 2%".