This is THE FIX "We found that using the webcam button works best, but the user has to have rights to the file c:\capture.avi. If the file does not exist create one and assign permissions."
Thank you!
not working for me..
I know this is a very old thread, but we have fought camera and CPS issues for years. We recently added an additional Windows 7 Pc to our front desk for reception during our busiest times. That PC's Logitech camera started giving us issues yesterday. It was the dreaded "failed to acquire image from device" message.
This error was happening for 3 out of 5 users that log in to the pc.
I tried all the file permission tricks above to no avail.
Ended up logging in as one of the 3 users that was getting the error message and then going into Device manager and disabling and then re-enabling the Logitech camera device.
I think it said something about a hardware change and required a reboot. After the reboot all 3 users that were getting the error message no longer got the error message and the camera worked perfectly via the CPS application.
Aside from granting Modify permissions con the file c:\capture.avi to all users, we also had to completely uninstall the Citrix VDA agent using the citrix cleanup and completatly reinstalls the VDA agent and redeploy the golden image.