I am trying to set up a page close handler on our newborn follow up and 2 week well check where the MAs have to answer whether or not a delivery was a breech birth. I have put a radio button in the form that asks "Breech birth?" with a simple yes or no and attached it to the Obs Term "DELPRESENTAT". In the Advanced tab for this button, I have selected Force and Change Appearance on this button. In the page, I have checked the "Use page close handler" option with the following language under it:
if (obsany"DELPRESENTAT") == "" then
userok("Please ask if the delivery was a breech birth")
return closepage("false")
I know that there is something simple I'm missing here, but cannot figure it out. Any suggestions?
Thanks in advance.
Bill James
Treehouse Pediatrics
Round Rock, TX
In VFE, go to Tools>Options>Build tab and be sure you have "include page close handlers" checkbox selected.
It is checked.
be leery of the 'page close handlers' in CPS. We found that they have not worked correctly since CPS 9.5. We know they do NOT work for us in CPS 11.x so we are waiting to see if they will resolve that issue in a future release.
Change (obsany"DELPRESENTAT") to obsany("DELPRESENTAT)
I tried removing the close quotation, and had the same issue. It still moves on.
What does removing the second quotation do?
The ( goes between the obsany and the first quotation mark and it looks like you have it before obsany.
sorry just noticed my typo in the previous response! what I meant was
the proper code would be..
just curious what version you guys are on? our 'page close handlers' would crash our users and sometimes popup before the form even opened. we are on CPS 11...
That fixed it!
We are on Centricity 11.
Thank you very much!
Bill James
Treehouse Pediatrics
Round Rock, TX 78681
Scott, the pageclose issues seem to be resolved in 12 (we just upgraded)... I think we have one form that forces you to stay on the page and we haven't had issues yet. Of course it doesn't work when someone just closes the update window rather than navigating to the next form or ending the document, but it's something!
well, that's something to look forward to...lol
Thanks guys.
have a great weekend!