I have been searching and searching but I cannot find where the payment plan agreement letter letterhead is stored. The letter itself is found in registration > payment plans but I cannot figure out how to change it. It is a really old letterhead that predates my employment by a few years and I just came across one. Any thoughts?
Hi Scott, we are on CPS 12.0.12 and I found the Payment Plan agreement in the Reports module under Component Specific/Agreement Letter/Payment Plan agreement.
Hope that helps!
This can easily be edited. The report to export is actually in the reports component and not in Admin. It is the same process for editing collections letter or appointment reminders.
Let me know if you want help and I can jump on a goto meeting.
Scott you have to go to reports and switch to design mode then export the report and save as a .doc then you can edit it in Microsoft Word and import it back in. I can help you.