Anyone experienced printing secondary EOBs extremely slow and sometimes it crashes CPS? Sometimes it prints normally about a few seconds but sometimes a few minutes before the print option pops up. And if it's too long, it error out.
We are having a similar issue when printing faxed items. Our IT guy said it is a recent MicroSoft issue that a lot of people are experiencing with printing/freezing. He is still trying to repair it for us, so I'm not sure with the fix is but maybe look at MicroSoft.
Everything else prints fine for us, just the EOBs and this is not a new issue. It's been happening for some time now.
so no one is having delays printing secondary EOBs? Normally there is a 10 second delay but not 3 to 4 minutes.
There are so many possibilities. It seems fairly unlikely the cause would be a Centricity issue, but I admit it is a fair question to ask. We've seen similar behavior before.
I'm not familiar with EOB workflows, so I may ask a dumb question.
I assume your EOBs are originating from crystal reports .rpt files? Does your secondary EOB look different from the primary EOB? Has it been modified? Do both EOBs go to the same printer or different printers? Have you tried sending to different printers?What happens if you send them to PDF instead of a printer?
Considering network resources: How is network bandwidth utilization while printing? Depending on data flows, that should include observation between the client running the report and SQL, the client and print server, and print server and printer. Are there any firewalls between the various participants in the data path? Are any packets being dropped in the traffic flows?
How are printers accessed? Poorly organized print shares by random printer names and the printer manufacturer magic printing software and drivers? Print servers connecting with printers by IP using LPD or similar printing protocol?
I'd probably start with these questions and then build a troubleshooting strategy from there. Good luck.
The delay is in bringing up the print option. Once it's up, sending it to the printer is normal. We are using RDS servers and easy print but I even tried it with my fat client and still the same delay. Bring up the print option for other print job in CPS seems to be fine when this occurs.
We also use RDP. We don't use Easyprint. Our printers are all network printers hosted by a print server managing the shares.
I'm just guessing, but the printer drivers using Easyprint might be very chatty or something between client and server. Perhaps a lot of data needs to move before the print dialog pops up. That's more of a guess though.
I don't have any more ideas without getting hands-on unfortunately. Good luck.
how long does it take you guys to print secondary eobs?
Here is how i test it.
Billing -> search by ticket -> select ticket-> file -> reports->select EOB for secondary-> preview. (takes 3 minutes for print properties to show up).
My options there are "Claim ID Summary" and "EOB for Secondary." No visits have any data to populate the EOB for Secondary report. All I get is the message "No data for report 'EOB for Secondary'."
Not all ticket has secondary eobs. Need to find one that does have it.
Athenahealth provided a script that runs daily that fixed the delay issue. They are going to add that as part of their future release.