If we are going to stay with IE as the required browser, can we please have the ability to edit our shortcuts during install or maybe GE could provide a better shortcut so CPS will load without regard to which browser is currently set to default in Windows?
GE Shortcut:
Better Shortcut: (Already tested extensively in my clinic for about 5 years now)
"C:\program files\ (x86)\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe" http://geservername:9080/centricityps/cps/
I have to get really creative on .bat files and such to get this alternate shortcut deployed. I thought since .msi deployment is going to be possible in 12.2 maybe we could consider helping admins out with this.
It does not seem like there is an easy to force Windows to set IE as the default browser and keep it that way. Chrome and Firefox and likely others all want to be the default. When you try to open CPS and your default is Chrome or something else you get some really odd messages which don't necessarily reflect the issue and the helpdesk stays busy when this happens.
Mike Zavolas
Tallahassee Neurological Clinic
We have a login script which copies shortcuts to the user desktop on login to the terminal server. It would also work with fat clients I would imagine.
The shortcut actually calls a batch file which IIRC, kills any existing CPS processes under the current username (due to the frequency of crashes where remnants of the app remain running, this part of the script prevents a lot of helpdesk calls), then launches CPS with IE as you propose.
i use a visual basic script.
is a 4 part. I close the previous open CPS even if it is frozen and open an internet explorer with cps link..
my desktop link calls to:
this is the content of CPScleanstart.vbs
Set oShell = CreateObject ("Wscript.Shell")
Dim strArgs
strArgs = "cmd /c CPScleanstart.bat"
oShell.Run strArgs, 0, false
this is the content of CPScleanstart.bat
@echo off
:: clears the screen
:: closes old cps IE launch window
:: pauses for 2 seconds
PING -n 1 -w 1000 >NUL
:: Enter your process name below
tskill "CPOPM06"
tskill "MBCExec"
:: pauses for 2 seconds
PING -n 1 -w 1000 >NUL
:: starts the program without opening a new command window
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe" http://mhcps2:9080/cps/cps
:: clears the screen again
this is the content of CPScloseIE.vbs
Set sa = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
Set windows = sa.Windows()
For Each window In sa.windows
If left(window.LocationUrl, 5) "file:" Then
If InStr(window.locationUrl,"http://mhcps2:9080/cps/cps/") Then window.Quit()
End If
Slick idea.
tnc, thanks for the post. I've done the same thing on some clients for exactly as you said have chrome as default but still have cps load in IE.
I'm back in the office today. Here's our batch script:
@echo on
start Wbusy "Centricity" "Starting Centricity" /marquee
taskkill /f /fi "USERNAME eq %USERNAME%" /im mbcexec.exe
taskkill /f /fi "USERNAME eq %USERNAME%" /im CPOPM06.exe
taskkill /f /fi "USERNAME eq %USERNAME%" /im ml.exe
taskkill /f /fi "USERNAME eq %USERNAME%" /im CPSBrowser.exe
start /min http://app5:9080/centricitypm/cps/
Wbusy "Centricity" /Stop
Wbusy ( http://www.horstmuc.de/w32dial.htm#wbusy) is a simple app that shows the user CPS is starting so they wait instead of click the icon 500 times.
On the terminal servers we aren't explicitly calling IE since there are no other browsers. It could easily be added though.