Does the Medication Admin HTML form allow for a history view? The immunization HTML form pushes the immunization history into the Immunization History View. Does the Medication Admin HTML form have a similar view?
If not has someone found away to easily check last medication given without having to launch the HTML form?
We would be very interested in a history view if someone has created one.
We created a history view for Medication Administration.
Might not be perfect but a place to start.
Mary Kay
thanks so much!!!! The CHUG is the best because of this sharing. We really appreciate the assistance!
MKHerman, are you able to send me the history view? It's only been about 4 years but I decided to come back to this issue. I have never been able to open the link you provided.
Thank you!
Send me an email and I will send it to you as soon as I can.