Hello. I am the Director of Therapy at an outpatient, orthopedic practice and we are currently in the process of developing templates/documents within VOW/GE. I am looking here for suggestions and insights on the best set up for templates and what others have found to be helpful.
Thank you
We often use a two-column or three-column approach to the data entry template. In a two-column setup, the left column would be the items completed by the individual with the right column assistance information. The assistance may be a script or helpful words.
We sometimes use a three-column format, simply adding a column on the left to the idea of the two column. The first column being background data on the patient - perhaps recent orders, medications, etc... And then column two is the entry screen, with the right column again for assistance (scripts, resources, etc...)
We have found that laying out in this manner does help our staff complete the forms. I often build screens with all three columns to begin with, and if not needed then rather than delete, simply set to a column width of one or two pixels. It is often easier to expand the width of a column (section) than to add it back in later.
Below is a simple example of a form laid out in three sections (columns), that helps us make sure patient next-appointments are made. The 2nd example is the form when we are reaching out to patients who missed an appointment. As boxes are completed on the left, new text appears on the right to help our person with the script for their conversation.