reposting to clinician-clinician ( couldn't figure out how to post to general and this group, sorry if you've seen it twice)
I am working on creating a template for new buprenorphine visit and follow-up BUP visit, either thru quick-text or as a formal template
before I recreate the wheel….I am checking if this already exists, has someone already created it or seen one used by others?
Judy Davidoff, MD
I have posted our form for medication assisted therapy in the marketplace at
The form is available for free download. I believe I have made some additional changes since posting and will likely be posting an updated version after we have gone live with those changes in our system..
We have many other Behavioral Health Substance Abuse Templates. However, we do not have this one yet. Would be interested to see if you are willing to share.
Did you check with the folks that were presenting on the Opioid Management at CHUG. I cannot remember what organization but I remember attending one of the presentations.. Maybe Boston Medical???
Wish you well.
Mari Kriescher
Dr. Michael Thompson from Goodwin Community Health made the presentation at CHUG in New Orleans this Fall 2017.
The encounter forms and documentation are available for free using the CHUG Marketplace. Here is a link to the content.
MAT Visit
There a 2 other associated files
MAT Screening.
MAT support.
I'll also email you a copy of the powerpoint presentation..
Let use know if we can help with any of this content.
Joel Morey
Logical Innovations
[email protected]