Is it possible to build an appointment type that does not create a billing ticket? We are thinking of creative ways to work with the future lab orders.
You are my hero, thank you so much!
Would you mind sharing your workflow for future lab orders? We are waiting for our upgrade to 12.2 before we start ordering labs through GE. We have process outlined for labs that are ordered for same day service but still trying to figure out how we will handle future orders.
We are still in the state of discovery of our options. Once we get that finalized and tested, I will certainly share that information.
So far we are leaning to configuring the lab orders to default to "Admin Hold" , the Provider would put comments in stating when the patient is planning to return. Upon discharge the nurse will verify and attempt to schedule the appointment using the "Hide New Visit". When the patient arrives to the lab, they will complete the order.
Outstanding items.....
Lab will complete the order when resulted or drawn?
Do we create generic desktops to monitor the Admin Holds
Do we restrict the workflow if the patient doesn't intend to return for XX amount of days
Determine the impact to claims
clmoe - We are using EMR Link here at WTMA and the order# that CPS generates is passed through EMR Link to our LIS, Orchard. When the lab is resulted in Orchard, the order# is passed back to CPS and once the result is signed by the provider, the order will complete. We have our lab and xray orders done here at the clinic stay in 'In Process' until the results are signed.
There are some instances when the order will not complete such as if a fasting lipid was ordered but the pt wasn't fasting when the present to the lab. The lab has to change it to a non-fasting lipid therefore it doesn't match up so it won't complete automatically. Currently we have one of the lab staff go through the Open Orders report and will look for items such as that and will complete the order in the chart.
For future orders, the staff will put the date of the lab/xray in the orders detail window. This date will go across to Orchard and it stay there as a "stored order". It technically isn't 'ordered' in Orchard until the lab pulls it out of "stored orders" when the patient presents to the lab.
Hope some of this may be helpful to someone.