My doctors think the surescripts portal is terrible and are looking for a better portal option. Anyone have some suggestions they would like to share?
We use Medfusion and have been very happy with it. They continue to add options to enhance clinic and patient utilization.
Before giving up on surescripts, may I suggest a portal optimization? Let's talk maybe I can help. I've done several over the years. Here's a CHUG presentation I did on portal design. [email protected]
We have been using MedFusion as well with no issues. We are happy with the product and new enhancements coming out.
Hi there.
Are you currently using Surescripts, or only referring to a presentation? We have been slowly adding functionality to the Portal. Surescripts was the focus of one of the presentation at the recent CHUG - showing how with some programming and setup, it can begin to do more.
Have you reached out to Surescripts to inquire about what things you would want to see?