I am trying to set up some training material for our team regarding building Quick Text, I have this example which I have entered in what is needed in order to build the quick text. If someone is able to help me with anything I may be missing as far as what goes into the additional "" I would appreciate it. Also if you have any other helpful quick text hits for training my team that would also be very appreciate.
Thanks so much I hope everyone had a wonderful 4th..
{MEL_ADD_ORDER("Type of order S or T", "Codes & Categories Name", "Exact name of test", "", "ICD10 code","ICD10 description","All Order details information","", "", "", "")}
You probably want to show your people how, when in QuickText, they can click the Help button. From there, they will find online help regarding commands. For instance, MEL_ADD_ORDER:
And hence why there are some of those trailing "" (two double quotes) sets at the end of your example.
One last thing, create some dummy patients so people can experiment a little easier with quicktext. For us, we use last name = Logician. Many places use Test, but I have found that name to occur on occasion within certain EMR (or variants).
Another tip:
Quick Texts have a limit of 512 characters and any MEL code that is inserted into the quick text will consume a portion of that 512 characters. Some have worked around this limitation by chaining together several quick texts; for example, if you had an HPI quick text that contained more than 512 characters, you might split this into two quick texts (hpi1 and hpi2). This of course would require the user to insert two quick texts into their note. An alternative method for getting around the 512 character limitation is to create a single quick text that then inserts a text component into the note. Text components can contain MEL code so this technique can be very powerful.
For example; a quick text named ".hpi" might contain the text:
{INSERT_TEXT_COMP("Enterprise","HPI - Return Patient")}
which when used, would cause the referenced text component to insert into the note. I've found this approach to be more manageable than the method of chaining together multiple quick texts.
Thanks so much for the information I will pass it along.
I created an Excel spreadsheet that will concantanate all of the coding so that whoever was making the quicktext would only have to input the variables and then cut and past the output. It has saved an enormous amount of time for the trainers when they are asked to create a bunch of quicktexts.
I also agee with virtualHITman....Waterfalling quicktexts is a great way to get around the 512 rule.
Actually Dr. Gill I attended your session at the conference a few years ago and recently found the handouts for that class and am working to modify the spreadsheet you created. It is very helpful and plan to share this with my team. Thanks so much your session was very helpful. Thanks everyone for your helpful information.