Our clinic would like to implement the use of CCM codes. I would like to know what workflows others are using to bill for these codes? Do you have a form that you use to track the Care Plan or some other process?
Thanks for any feedback you can provide!
Here's what we use.
MEL_ADD_CARE_PLAN is in there an in place to use but it was decide they didn't want to use it but I left the button in there and just hid it.
Let me know if you'd like the handout hooked to it save you then time of creating one.
We have a button in OV that can pull the form in if needed and have it as a standalone.
We use a 3rd party (CareSync) to administer our CCM program.They send us the documentation and charges via HL7 every month.
Would you mind sharing your forms with me? We are just starting to look into this.
Thank you!