We are expernicing exterme slowness since upgrading to cps12.04. We are using remote desktop for all users. We design our network to exceed the GE recommended specs. Did anyone have this same problem and find a solution to it? We are in the network vs software battle. Thanks.
We've had slowness issues since CPS11 (we're in a Citrix environment). We found frequent occurrences of Centricity processes* going to a state of "Not Responding" for anywhere from 5 seconds to over a minute. We compiled a pretty impressive spreadsheet full of data on this issue, submitted it to GE... and then marveled at the deafening silence. Should they ever acknowledge the data we sent them, we fully expect them to say it's a Citrix issue. Because that's what they always say.
Sorry that's not very useful to you, but at least you know it's not just you. If you have a means of monitoring your processes on those boxes, it might be worth a look to see if they're locking up for extended periods.
*Mostly Gehc.centricity.emr.application.exe and Cpopm06.exe.
Thanks Ron for the quick response. I feel your pain also. I hoping to not getting into a network vs softward battle with GE.
We're implementing CPS through RDP, so that's not encouraging to hear. How many providers concurrently access the system?
We can have anywhere from 100 to 125 users concurrently. Our speed has gotten better. I will ask our network what was done to help this. Our biggest problem has been the crashes. Clinical staff gripe about this constantly. There has been a lot of chatter about this on the forum. GE can't find the solution.
that sure doesn't sound any better...
What hypervisor is your host using? The current versions of both are solid.
VMware has always been reliable, but until recently wasn't affordable (>200). There's a good chance it's virtualized on the older version of Hyper-V-- which is known for issues & constant reboots.
We have had the same issue since we upgraded to CPS 12 in June 2014. We are in a VMWare virtual environment.
We upgraded from CPS 10 and have been on centricity since CPS 9.0 in 2010 with an almost flawless experience. Granted we are a small clinic (licensed for 28 concurrent users) but the degradation in performance has been surprising.
Some things we have on our list;
1) Introduced a new Application server (we have separate database and application servers) - minimal improvement. However from a troubleshooting standpoint we have a clean install. As per GE the addition of HTML forms and the CQR component add a load on the Application server that may require allocation of more processors. Documentation recommends two dual cores, we allocated three.
2) Curb the number of unsigned documents in the EMR. Apparently every 100 documents can slow down the response on a providers desktop up to 10 seconds (please verify with centricity support). We have managed to keep our providers down to a max of 75. Every once in a while, one will escape and we'll have to corral them back. So far all providers have been very cooperative.
3) Archive OBS - when a patient chart is opened, all the values associated with each OBS term is called and displayed, For example, the hypothetical OBS term, BP, stores values gathered on the patient in 2010. If 2010, 2011, 2012 values are archived, they are not called when chart is opened and chart should respond quicker. User/provider still has a button to display all values if necessary (scheduled) - Your support personnel should be able to guide you with this.
4) Discuss with providers how many months back they want to see documents. [Preferences > Patient Charts > Documents (“Document Display” Section)]. Same concept as in (3) above. If you limit the number of documents displayed by default, it may provide some performance benefit - (scheduled)
5) Performance analysis - script analysis of the database to determine if any optimization is necessary - (scheduled).
So far, we have minimal improvement. Hopefully we'll get something tangible once we get through this list.
Hope this helps someone.