In the meldef3.txt file, we previously update the row count in _ServiceProviders and _SearchServProvBus to 1500 each (from 500 and 25 I believe) in 12.2 they are 500 and 500 by default. The issue we were solving was updating service providers without paying attention to the organization could inadvertently re-link the service provider to a new organization, I verified that it is still broken. We updated the file to set these back to 1500 each, now works the way we wanted it (because we have less service providers and organizations than that).
Also, reading through the release notes I see in a few places that print patient education buttons are supposed to be in the new and update problem and medication windows, I don't see these buttons, does anyone else? The release notes reference SPR 61534
Anyone have an issue during a test upgrade where fails out at running \upgrade\u12-1-0_to_12-2-0_Data.sql?
It appears to be trying to update the OBS table for the CARETRANSIN obsterm for MU Activitylog.
When it errors out, it gives the following popup and you can continue if you receive auth key from support to allow this to go through.
We have 12.2 installed in our test environment and have noticed that "print patient education" button is not available with the other edit buttons as described in the release notes. It would be ideal to have it available in the UPDATE problem/Medication window.
We just tried upgrading our test environment (and a GE Demo database) from CPS 12 SP11 patch 6a and received the error:
Upgrading Server version to version
Could not find stored procedure “sp_describe_first_result_set”
Of course it failed. Waiting on a return call from GE.
I don't know if I should post this here or if it should be in a separate 12.0.13 thread. We will not be doing 12.2 at this time due to necessary training for the providers. I installed 12.0.13 on my test server. After the clients are installed I get a vbscript error during login which prevents jobs.txt from processing (this is bad).
Error is:
Cannot create jobProcessor object. Error:ActiveX component can't create object.
GE support looked at it but escalated the case. I use the word escalate loosely since they look at test servers as low priority but this will certainly be an issue for anyone moving forward with 12.0.13 and this happens
Mike Zavolas
Tallahassee Neurological Clinic
Mike Z,
What is your highest job number in the jobs.txt file? I know it might seem like a simple thing, but we reset out job numbers to start with job # 1 with every upgrade because some years ago we had an issue where we had just kept rolling the numbers up and the process did not seem to like going past job # 99. We are a Citrix using company, so on occasion in our Citrix template we have even reset the job number in the emr.ini file to # 0 so that everything gets a fresh run through from the jobs.txt file.
lastjobnumber=1 for me after upgrades too
Still no help from GE on this, too. Frustrating
Mike Zavolas
Tallahassee Neurological Clinic
We will be upgrading soon. Following this post for information, and I will provide feedback as well.
We discovered an issue with the HTML forms (a few actually). For the Rx form, if you make a note to pharmacy and then click end without leaving the field by clicking tab or elsewhere on the form, the field is not saved. SPR 69016. It looks like any field is saved when the field looses focus, so this could be an issue with custom forms too using the new API. Also, the event for window.onbeforeunload does not fire properly, which could potentially fix this.
The other issue is if you try to type in excess of the 2000 character limit on HTML forms (using the API), it makes the client screech to a halt while it continuously tries to write the contents to the symbol table and fails repeatedly. You can see it in a MEL or SQL trace, I don't remember which. I haven't opened a case for this yet because I have yet to see a GE form with a textarea to test it, and we all know they don't support custom forms. But my guess is it will do that same thing.
I'm watching this as well. Going to 9.10 on 1/20-22... EPCS March 3.
Thank you in advance to all the Brave Ones who go before me!
Is anyone having an issue with the HTML forms blinking and locking up in 12.2?
Yes, we're seeing the same issue with new prescription form if the provider is using Dragon.
Is anyone finding issues with Linklogic? I've spoken to a user who went live with EMR 9.10 and he said he had a lot of issues with it that GE is hoping to fix in future service packs.
GE hopes to fix everything in future service packs.
What type of problems are you having? We're on CPS, but there are many similarities.
We have a scheduled task that restarts the Linklogic service once per hour that I believe helps avoid a lot of manual effort.
He said something about errors building up constantly due to appointments. Will find out more details.
With 9.10 we've run into other issues also with EMR, the preferred pharmacy no longer defaults in prescriptions forms, slowness when signing orders, etc. Anxious to go live but have a lot to work out as of yet!