Can someone shed some light on their workflow for fixing their Failed Refill requests in CPS 12.2? Which department are you having be responsible for fixing those errors?
As the Clinical Services Manager I am monitoring that report daily in the eSM console. I usually get about 3-6 each day (practice of 10 MD's and 12 ARNP/PA's). I copy them to the clinical staff that are responsible for working the Rx's and prepare them for the provider for refill. The biggest dilemma for us is that our refills would not fail if they did not require a DEA number to push through. I heard at C=Live that the requirement for DEA's was going to go away which would more than likely eliminate that problem for us but i can not seem to get any verification. I am reviewing the 12.3 rel;ease notes to see if there is any documentation there about that change.
Terry Cross
Tallahassee Neurological Clinic
How does your clinic manage the EPCS Transmission Failures? (if implemented)