We updated to CPS 12.2 in December and are looking for a more efficient workflow using the new prescriptions form. The update presented two issues for us.
- We have refill coordinators that process refill requests and they are now limited to viewing requests for individual providers versus having a centralized list to include all providers.
- We have several patients who come here for both medical and behavioral health and are prescribed prescriptions from two separate providers. The new refill form restricts the ability to have two refill notes open at once. This causes a lag in refill time because the first prescription needs to be signed off on from one provider before the refill coordinator can even send the second prescriber the refill request document for the other medication.
Is anyone else experiencing these issues or have any suggestions for us?
We have not yet upgraded to 12.2 but this has been a concern of mine as we are a multi-specialty clinic. At the last CHUG meeting, I talked with GE in the lab and they didn't have a great answer or workflow for this issue. I would like to hear how others are dealing with this.
We just upgraded to 12.2 this past weekend and ran headfirst into the same situation, in particular having multiple prescriptions being open.
Might've been nice to have the option in 12.2 to continue to use the old form if not intending to utilize EPCS.
We haven't upgraded yet, but I'd be curious to know if you've found good workflows since your initial postings. Thanks.
We are experiencing this same issue. This also affects an office visit when a provider tries to send a prescription with in that update they are not able because the Rx Renewal has been sent to the chart for clinical list update which could be for a different provider to sign off on.