We are currently having a custom obs term created for a particular depression screen. I am needing to create a quick text noting that this screen was done and we want to have it dropped to a flowsheet for tracking purposes. Is there a way to have a quick text update a flowsheet, without needing to manually update the flowsheet?
Any Feedback would be appreciated!
Sure, you can do a quick text like this:
That would populate the obs term CALCIUM with the value 12 and it would show in a flowsheet as soon as the visit was signed. Now in this case it will put a 12 in your note.
Did one for the Reach Out and Read program like this:
Reach Out and Read book was given to patient and the importance of reading to the child was discussed? {OBSNOW("BOOKGIVEN", "Yes")}
Which would put
Reach Out and Read book was given to patient and the importance of reading to the child was discussed? Yes
in the note and BOOKGIVEN with a value of Yes in the flowsheet.
David Shower
OU Tulsa School of Community Medicine
This is perfect! Thank you so much!
Can you also do it for this situation? One of my providers wants a quick text for a history and he fills in after the : and wants it to go to a flow sheet. Here is what he wants
{"item1:" + HRET + HRET + "item2:" + HRET + HRET + "item3:"}
Gives you
The 2 HRETs (Hard Return) give you a new line and then a blank line. Hope this helps. David Shower
Then how are they connected to the obs terms I choose in order for them to go to a flow sheet
Sorry, overlooked the obs term part. What you want to do is capture the history in an observation term. Then, in the watcher pane of your form do something like this:
{if obsnow("Historyobs") <> ""
then obsnow("Historyrecordedobs","Done")
This would set the obs term Historyrecordedobs to a value of "Done" if anything was recorded in the field on the form where you are doing the history.
Does that make sense?
If you aren't working with forms and just in the note, then he would need two quick texts. One to do the template of item1, 2, 3 etc. and then another to indicate he did the history, like my first reply. You would not be able to capture the actual history in an obs term via the template quick text, only that the template was used with the second quick text. At least at my skill level I don't know of a way you can....
David Shower
Yes what he wants if for each of these to go to the flow sheet as individual entries:
Can't do it with a quick text. You will have to make a form to capture each item in a separate observation term. To set an obs term in a quick text, you have to now what the value for it is before you type the quick text short cut. There isn't any interactive mechanism to capture what he is going to type next to each one of those.
David Shower
DavidShower said:
Can't do it with a quick text. You will have to make a form to capture each item in a separate observation term. To set an obs term in a quick text, you have to now what the value for it is before you type the quick text short cut. There isn't any interactive mechanism to capture what he is going to type next to each one of those.
David Shower
Not sure if this will be helpful or not. I didn't read the entire chain so forgive me if not.
You can add a quicktext that adds an OBS term. Then, that OBS term can be displayed in the flowsheet. For example:
.trans could be the quicktext that shows: Patient Transfer to Care {OBSNOW("CARETRANSIN","YES")}
So here is what I did (thanks to everyone for their help) I took my label out and put in between the last set of "" and it works. Yeah again thanks everyone. You are all a great help.
{OBSNOW("RAND-36 EWB","Emotionally:")}
{OBSNOW("BELIEFS PERS","Spirituality:")}
{OBSNOW("RAND-36 PAIN","Pain:")}