Has anyone experienced an issue when they upgraded to 9.5 where their printer settings do not stick via a Citrix environment? If so what did you do to resolve this issue?
We started to have this problem when we upgraded and at the time GE had no fix now they are requesting that we change all of our citrix settings but they are not sure that this will resolve the issue. We do not have this issue on local installs.
We did have this issue. And same advice was given to us from GE. We did make the changes and it worked for us. Keep in mind we are on V10.
Good luck!
Thank you so much! I hope the settings work for 9.5 as well.
I have put the settings in place but we have a few issues- Did this happen to you as well?
- We have multiple citrix servers so they would have to set their settings once on every server and then when we reboot our servers the settings will not stick.
What did you do?
Hi Lisa, which settings did they have you change? We had similar problems on all of our terminal servers. GE had us edit the EMR.ini file on each server. Look for "UseClientName=" and change it from false to true. This fixed our printing problems.
Hope this helps you,
Network Admin
Berlin, NH