Currently, within GE, when our system rolls the tickets to the "Collection" status, the patient should then receive a 30 day letter, a 60 day letter, and a 90 day letter before being turned to an external collection agency.
Like to change:
a. The collection letter itself. Where does it live? How to change some verbiage and contact information?
b. We want to go with one collection letter, more as a final demand letter before turning to the collection agency, rather than the three letters. Anyone see any reason not to approach it that way?
The letter itself is easy to edit. It lives in Reports > Collections > Letters. Here are some instructions:
Steps to Customize a Collection Letter:
1. Make a copy of Centricity’s collection letter
2. Export the copied collection letter out of Centricity and put it into Microsoft Word
3. Figure out what you are going to say in your letter using the Mail Merge Fields available in Centricity.
4. Open and edit your letter in Microsoft Word (save and close when finished)
5. Import the Word letter into Centricity
6. Rename your Word letter
7. Assign Security
8. Attach the Word letter to a Collection Status *if applicable
Copy Centricity’s Collection Letter
1. From the Reports Component in Centricity, go to the Collections folder and then to the Letters subfolder.
2. Left click and drag the collections letter and let go when you are over the Letters subfolder. The Letters subfolder will be blue as seen in the image below.
3. When you let go, Centricity make a copy of the letter and select “Copy Here”.
a. The letter now appears in Red with a name of “Copy of Collection Letter.
Export a Collection Letter Out of Centricity
1. Highlight your newly copied Collection letter.
2. Click on the “Switch to Design Mode Icon” on the Reports Icon Toolbar.
3. Click on the Export Button to take this letter out of Centricity.
4. Give your letter a name ending the name with the file extension of .doc
5. Change the file type to All Files using the drop down and save it to your desktop (or any other preferred location).
a. Click Save when finished.
6. Now minimize Centricity and go find your letter on your desktop (or wherever you saved it). Double click on it to open it.
Now that the letter is copied from Centricity and exported into Word, it is time to start editing your letter.
You will need to stick to the Centricity-friendly mail merge fields. Press F1 for help. Here are more instructions:
Import the Collection Letter Back into Centricity
Once your letter is complete, it is time to import the letter back into Centricity.
1. Go to the reports component in Centricity.
2. Find the collection letter you copied highlight it
3. Make sure you are in design mode
4. Click the Import Button
1. You may need select *All File Types from the drop down if you do not see your letter on your desktop.
a. Select your letter ---make sure you select the .doc letter.
b. Click Open
Your letter path and name will now appear in the Runtime panel.
2. Click the Switch to “Report Mode Icon” to get back to your normal reports view.
3. Once you switch back to normal reports view, Centricity will ask you if you want to save the changes to this letter. Select Yes.
4. Centricity will also ask you if you want to update the queries (which are the mail merge fields you added). Select Yes.
Note: Since the customized letter is now stored in Centricity, there is no need to save it locally on your workstation. You can make edits locally without exporting your letter first. Or, any user can export the letter, edit it, then import it back into Centricity.
Rename Your Collection Letter
It is a good idea to rename your collection letter so you can identify it. Simply right click over your collection letter and select rename.
Assign Security to Your Collection Letter
When you made a copy of the collections letter, you are the only user who had permissions.
1. To assign security on this letter, simply right click over your letter and select Security.
2. Centricity will ask if you want to Load the Security Information, select Yes.
3. Select Add to load the users and groups from your windows active directory.
4. Select Yes to load groups and users list.
5. Now you can check off groups or users to have access to this collection letter.
6. Select OK when finished. Then OK again.
Attach a Collection Letter to a Collection Status
If you would like to attach collection letters to collection statuses, make sure you have all your letters written and in the Reports component.
1. To attach the letters, go to the Administration Component to the Financial folder, then to Collection Status
2. Select New and Type in the Description the name of the status and/or letter.
3. Click the drop down menu next to Letter on the right panel of the screen and choose the corresponding collections letter.
4. Continue these steps for each letter and status
5. Select Save when finished.
Note: you may or may not want to attach a letter to the collection status of NEW. Some clients use this status as a tickler file and they want to determine whether or not that patient’s visit will need to receive letters.
Leave the status of NEW on the top of the list.