Interesting comments. Thank you for sharing. Excepting the snazzy eye candy, 99% of what you describe already can be done within the current form architecture - to include 'one pass' processing. This can also be accomplished without security vulnerabilities or browser/Jscript version sensitivities and session state validation issues introduced by an external process like HTML. Moreover, GE is slow to respond to browser version updates leaving the window open for exploits and errors that have been otherwise been addressed.
That said, not one person disagreed that HTML is the direction things are headed in nor was anyone being negative, but it would be dishonest to state anything but that support within the EMR is not at the level it needs to be at yet. Most HTML designs available today are limited use/narrow focus tools - hence my point of it being a bit regressive at this time, especially since current architecture already does that. And I reiterate, GE has yet to release final specifications for use of HTML, so much is being taken for granted and I cannot help but trust my gut and say some approaches will not be allowed due to stability/compatibility/security issues with the destination platform - the EMR.
Tis interesting however, that you suggest mobile 'app' styled charting. The 'world' has a crush on 'mobile' right now, but the reality soon to hit all EMR platforms is that larger screens, not smaller screens, are what is needed to document accurately, efficiently and most important, safely. Often times, a fair amount of data is required on screen, for sound clinical decision making and effective documentation. I would suggest that anyone claiming otherwise does not grasp the requirements of sitting before a patient and documenting a complete visit, on paper or digitally. Mobile has its place, but it is not in documenting care - not enough screen real estate for that on a mobile platform, nor will there ever be.
Documentation templates are more than edit fields and check boxes. Few claim developing clinical decision support in HTML. Add that to the equation and you end up with an approach that can be equally as taxing as MEL.
Accessing data from registries can be accomplished already, with proper MEL and external closed exe design (VB will do), so I do not see the 'plus one' that you do. I am as excited as anyone regarding the potential for HTML, but as a licensed care giver, I am duty bound to recommend safe and sensible approaches that provide efficient tools whilst conforming to published specification. Unfortunately, HTML does not qualify at this time. We certainly hope that in the future, it does.
PS: You might want to update your website (, there are no links to a video nor mention of actually working with the medical industry.
Posted : June 5, 2015 7:33 am